Lawrence County Joint Cooperative (LCA)
The Lawrence County Joint Cooperative (LCA) is cooperative classroom within the Lawrence County Educational Service Center in cooperation with Local, Exempted Village and City School districts within Lawrence County.
The LCA staff welcomes you and looks forward to working with you in a blended learning environment. Online classes will be provided via the internet with local staff support as needed. All learning experiences are designed to provide you with a non-traditional approach to reaching your educational goals.
LCA students have access to highly qualified teachers (HQT) to support their learning efforts. There are course offerings for students: seeking credit recovery, courses not offered in the home school, seeking completion of a high school diploma and for those who have dropped out of the traditional school environment. Learning will be achieved through each individual student’s needs.
The blended learning environment is meant to be a positive experience for students who need a different kind of learning environment. Students can work from home most of the time. Flexible course scheduling provides additional help for some students. Staff members can be reached by email, face to face contact, and phone calls for direct academic assistance.
This is all done at no cost to the full-time student. LCA is considered part of the cooperative programs within the Lawrence County ESC.
Mission Statement
The Lawrence County Joint Cooperative strives to offer students a non-traditional approach for reaching educational goals. The LCA seeks to enhance and facilitate student learning among non- traditional student populations while utilizing a variety of innovative resources and educational strategies, which are customized to meet the needs of individual students and developed by the school on an ongoing basis. These initiatives are geared toward providing the most conducive environment for success that will support each student in pursing the goal of being career and college ready.
Nondiscriminatory Statement – The Lawrence County Joint Cooperative and its staff are dedicated to providing equal opportunity to all students and their families. No otherwise qualified student or employee of the LCA shall, on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal assistance as provided by Title VI and Title IX, Section 504.
Bob Wilds – Director
Mark Crawford – Teacher
Debbie Chapman – Teacher